"RE: BORN" finally come to the world
Based on the criteria of world action movie, what is the position of this work?
Can this work that depicts Zero Distance Martial Arts satisfy people around the world?
"RE: BORN" which was completed for a while in the spring of 2016 will start exhibiting at national film festivals before publication in the country.

The film festival which was participating in NAFF (Network of Asia Fantastic Films) also became the world premiere during shooting. Director Shimomura, Producer Inoue and Producer Fujita participated took the platform. Though taxi made a mistake on the way to the venue, the Korean staff responded promptly. After taking the platform, we were surrounded by audiences in the hall and asked for questions and signs, we got good responses.

TAK ∴, Sakaguchi Makoto and Producer Fujita participated in in Fantastic Fest which was North America premium. During our stay, we acted with Yudai Yamaguchi who was participating by “Chinyuki”. During the screening, a big applause occurred every time the action scene. In the battle scene in the forest, a standing ovation happened! After the performance, TAK∴ and Mikoto acted disarming and enthralled the audience. After the film festival, this work was highly valued at the movie information site in the US, and articles that make it the best action movie TOP 3 of 2016 also despite being unpublished yet also went up. In this reaction of Americans, Producer Fujita confirmed the potential of this movie, after returning home, re-editing and full subtitling of subtitles were done based on the reaction of the festival so far.

"RE: BORN" was shown for the first time in Europe in one of the world's three biggest fantastic festivals.
It was held in Helsinki, Finland. One of the biggest genre festivals in Northern Europe, which began in 1997 and now twice a year. This work was selected for the European prestigious film festival in succession, and international recognition became high at a stroke.
Director Shimomura and TAK ∴, participate in JFFT to revenge of not going to the two biggest festivals in April. We also acted together with many Japanese directors such as Nishimura Yoshihiro who is director of "Kodoku Meatball Machine" and he cooperated in this work. When "VERSUS" (Director Ryuhei Kitamura) was screened at the same festival 16 years ago, There is an incident that TAK ∴ which took the platform in guests cuts screen with an imitation sword, and there is still it in memory as a legend locally. Shimomura and TAK∴ demonstrated the zero-range fighting technique, and the customers were excited.

The Jackie Chan action movie week, which is the centerpiece of the film festival that has grown to become one of the biggest film festivals in Asia, Director Shimomura and producer Fujita, and Scenario writer Saeki Benio participated.

It was screened as Main Feature work with Donnie Yen's "IP MAN: THE FINAL FIGHT". UK Premier.
In the Yubari Choice Category, Shimomura's first feature film titled "DEATH TRANCE" starring TAK∴ was screened continuously. Director Shimomura and TAK ∴ joined for two nights. Moreover, there was also an announcement that "Kuruimusashi" which is the phantom samurai movie will complete by crowdfunding, and it made a great deal of excitement in Yubari in the snow.

Film Festival
Date | Venu | Name |
Aug 10 - 12, 2018 | Texas, USA | IDTV Action Fest |
Mar 15 - 19, 2018 | Hokkaido, JAPAN | Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival 2018 |
Oct 2017 | FRANCE | Absurde Séance Nantes International Film Festival |
Sep 16, 2017 | UK | The Fighting Spirit Festival |
Jun 17 - 26, 2017 | Shanghai, CHINA | 20th China Shanghai International Film Festival |
May 31 - Jun 4, 2017 | Hamburg, GERMANY | 18th Germany Japan Film Fest Hamburg |
Apr 13 - 17, 2017 | FINLAND | 30th Finland Night Visions |
Apr 4 - 16, 2017 | Brussels, BELGIUM | 35th Belgium Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival |
Sep 22 - 29, 2016 | Austin, USA | 12th America Fantastic Fest |
Jul 21 - 30, 2016 | Bucheon, KOREA | 20th Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival World Fantastic Red category |