Crescent Blade ShiningUser:Toshiro(ghost) Maker:Kenji MAKABE
Blind Kenji made the weapon which is light and fit so that Toshiro can use wave effectively.
It is made of a tamahagane and the shape lets users to guard midline like a sword.
The blade imitates Japanese halberd(naginata) and the projection shows an effect for the battle by the double wave using both hands.
The way of fight of Toshiro is “katsuninken”. He repeats "the mind's eye, disguised withdrawing" which can cope with accidental counter-attack necessarily using wave and He takes the tactics such as “invitation,” “sakihazusi” and “bringing certain death”.
Only the person who can fight using the body softly (jujutsu) can consider this strategy or tactics.

Karambit knife in the book
Bible book “Isaoshino owari no hazimari" is famous among the combatants from old days.
Author is unknown, but a combat person whom Phantom knows writes. Kenji crafted this book and kept "Crescent Blade Shining" in this book to pass to Toshiro.

Breaker (Original Crescent Blade)
Karambit knife which Toshiro and Abyss Walker used when it was a buddy. Light and darkness, front and back, all technologies and performances are combined into an ideal shape for the short-range combat. Currently, when overlaying each Crescent Blade held by Toshiro and Abyss Walker, it becomes a silhouette of the full moon.

The Crescent braid darkness (Vampire Ghost Vite)gUser: Abyss Walker Maker: Unknown
It is used only by a confrontation with Toshiro. It is supposed that it was created based on the original breaker as “setsunintou”(途中・五里霧中)
The material is tamahagane and the string-like weaving is human hair.
Tool of a spell made by a method such as being knocked by a human bone, and using the blood of the person for quenching.
The shape of blade to suck in the blood of the opponent is used only to claim the life of the ghost.
What lead to the tongue of the tattoo in the right arm of Abyss is because Abyss demands blood of the rebirth of Toshiro (RE:BORN ghost).
This invites enemies by the sound of the stalking ring and the gold color attract an eye intentionally even darkness.
※Vampire Ghost Vite is skeleton beads.

Abyss Walker clothes commentary.
The special stealth suit which was made for waving combat.
Maker:SSS(Stealth Soldier Systems)reborn zero custom
What is the ghillie suit?
It is used to deceive eyes of the monitoring of the enemy in the outdoors, and snipers and scouts use it in a battlefield.
For them, being known to their enemies their existence means death.
The basics of camouflage are said to be natural camouflage 70%, population camouflage 30%.
However, the natural vegetation is slightly different every area and It changes with time.
The nature camouflage against rules of nature can become the factor of the discovery but It is the most unreasonable that attaching burlap (population camouflage such as hemp strings) to the whole body excessively.
It cannot match the environment that continues changing and makes a silhouette big and it get wet and get heavy and disturb an action.
Besides it cannot deceive the eyes of the genuine sniper and scout.
How to disappear so as not to be found.
The human brain gets illusions.
People does not see anything with their eyes.
People see something with their brain.
If brain does not recognize something, it is an equivalence that people do not recognize it.
Abyss ghillie has the color pattern that makes recognition difficult and The silhouette which covers a triangle (the line which links both shoulders to the parietal area) to recognize it to be a person.
When this Abyss ghillie and special movement fused, the person cannot recognize it to be the person.
And it blunts the judgment of the enemy and brings the moment when the hand arrives for life.
In addition, the Abyss ghillie adopts the concept of the Japanese traditional uniform worn in martial arts (kimono).
In a fight to scramble for the first move, to reduce that movement is realized as much as possible, it is designed that shoulder and scapular movements are hard to be sensed.
When enemies noticed, their life is held and even if they fortunately avoid it, do not do equal fights.
The abyss ghillie forces such a fear on enemies to kill enemies surely.
Sabbath(Sabbat)User:Phantom Maker:Unknown
The knife that is called "Sabbath" among hired soldiers and also called "KEEPLAIDE" among the people who sell their souls to the devil has many mysteries.
It is unknown which times it was made at a place in but it is feared as the knife that absorbs life and passed down from "Legendary Reborn Ghost".
Because Damascus design is made on a blade and changes color, it is supposed that it was used as ancient weapon and absorbed in various souls.
The characteristic shape given to the grip is thought to be a curse tool as well as Crescent Blade Darkness (Vampire Ghost Vite) used by Abyss Walker because it let enemies fall into a brainwashing state in conjunction with the wavelength that Phantom puts out.